Contributor Privacy Notice
For all “contributors” who reside in Europe (including the United Kingdom) involved in Magna Studios Content.
Magna Studios Limited together with its parents, affiliates, and/or subsidiaries (“Magna Studios”, “we“, “our” or “us“) wants to make sure that the personal data we collect in order to produce editorial, digital and television content for Magna Studios, commissioning broadcasters and our clients (referred to collectively, as “Content”) is managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) and applicable local data protection laws. Such laws require that the personal data we process about contributors for Content must be:
- Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way by Magna Studios.
- Collected only for valid purposes that Magna Studios has clearly told individuals about, and only used in a way that’s compatible with and limited to those purposes.
- Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purpose for which it is being processed.
- Accurate and kept up to date by Magna Studios.
- Stored by Magna Studios for only as long as necessary for the purposes of the specific production and related purposes.
- Processed securely by Magna Studios.
Who does this Privacy Notice apply to?
This Contributor Privacy Notice (the “Notice”), applies to all Magna Studios contributors involved in our Content (“Contributors”, “you” or “your”). Magna Studios considers the following people to be a Magna Studios Contributor:
- Individuals participating in casting calls for Magna Studios Content;
- On screen talent including hosts, presenters, experts and performers;
- Other people providing contributions for use in Content (for example people who are interviewed, provide photos or grant us access to their properties for filming purposes);
- Off screen talent including voiceover artists, writers, musicians and other experts; and
- Representatives or agents of Contributors.
The purpose of this Notice is to fully inform you about the ways in which Magna Studios will process your personal data, as a Contributor, when producing Content. Your personal data is collected by the Magna Studios company that’s producing the applicable Content but may be passed to other Magna Studios entities or to commissioning broadcasters and commercial clients (if applicable). In most cases, this producing company is the data controller in relation to the personal data that is collected about you which means that the producing company will decide how it uses or processes your personal data for the Content it’s creating.
This Notice does not form part of your agreement (whether implied or in writing) with Magna Studios and may be updated by Magna Studios at any time. This Notice was last updated and reviewed in December 2018.
What personal data does Magna Studios collect about you?
As a Contributor, generally we’ll ask you to provide personal information about yourself (“Personal Data”) for all our Content for example:
- If you sign a release form, talent contract, or correspond with us directly, you will provide your full name, email address, residential address, contact number and personal signature (if applicable).
- Depending on the extent of your contribution to the Content, you may provide us with your date of birth, gender, residence status, nationality and bank account details.
- If you’re appearing in the Content itself, you may disclose Personal Data as part of your contribution which may include film and images of yourself and your voice.
- Personal Data about you from public sources and our industry contacts.
If the subject matter of the Content or our internal production process requires it, you may also provide “special category” data about yourself or information about your past criminal history. “Special category data” includes information relating to your race or ethnicity, political opinions. religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health information, sex life or sexual orientation, genetics or biometrics, criminal offences and/or criminal convictions.
Please note that if you’re under 18, your parent(s)’ consent will be required before you can be involved in any Magna Studios Content.
What is our legal basis for processing your Personal Data?
As a data controller, the Magna Studios company producing the Content is required to identify its statutory legal basis for processing your Personal Data. In relation to our Content, we are processing your Persona Data for:
- The performance of the contract and relationship between you and us, including payments to you, corresponding with you or your agent/representative, managing our rights in the Content, and other purposes relating to the distribution of your contribution in the Content;
- Our legitimate interest in considering you to appear in the Content we’re creating and the publication/distribution of your contribution as journalistic, artistic or literary material. We consider that, on balance, this processing is not disproportionate to your rights and freedoms and any impact this processing may have on you; and
- To comply with our statutory, regulatory or compliance obligations in the applicable territory where the Magna Studios company is located.
As mentioned above, we may collect “special category” data about you; in those cases, our legal basis will either be with your consent or for the purposes of journalism, arts, and literature or if permitted to by law. Magna Studios will determine the applicable legal basis for processing special category data as required for the applicable Content produced by Magna Studios.
Who do we share your Personal Data with?
Magna Studios is a global company. As such, your Personal Data may be shared with other Magna Studios entities and our affiliates, or on Magna Studios internal systems with servers located in the USA. Similarly, we may produce Content for third party commissioners and commercial clients located outside the EEA, who we may provide your Personal Data to in order to distribute the applicable Content.
We are obliged to ensure that the Personal Data that is processed by us (and our partners, suppliers and clients) outside of the EEA is protected in the same ways as it would be if it was processed within the EEA. There are certain safeguards in place when your data is processed outside of the EEA.
How long will we use your Personal Data for?
Magna Studios will retain your contribution in perpetuity. We will keep your talent contract, release form and Personal Data concerning your contribution for the duration of copyright in your contribution.
What security measures are in place to protect your Personal Data?
Taking into account state of the art measures and the cost of implementing them, Magna Studios uses a variety of technical and organisational methods to secure your Personal Data. We are committed to protecting the security of the Personal Data you share with us. In support of this commitment, we have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your Personal Data against:
- unauthorised or accidental destruction, alteration and/or disclosure;
- theft and accidental loss, and/or unauthorised access;
- misuse;
- damage; and/or
- any other form of unauthorised processing.
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data as no security measures are perfect and there is always some risk of security incidents occurring. But we will use our best endeavours to mitigate any damage caused as a result of a breach of these data security measures in accordance with all applicable data protection laws.
If you believe that your Personal Data under Magna Studios control has been compromised please contact your main contact at Magna immediately.
Exercise your rights?
By law, you have a number of rights when it comes to your Personal Data. You can request access, rectification and erasure of your personal data that we hold; or restrict its uses and you can object to processing, in certain circumstances. Rectification means correcting errors in your personal data. Further information and advice about your rights can be obtained by the data protection regulator in your territory.
Please note that if your rights request is about your contribution itself, Magna Studios will consider the impact of your request on:
- our publication of your contribution as journalistic, artistic or literary material, and
- the performance of the contract between you and Magna Studios.
We reserve the right to amend this Notice from time to time to reflect changing legal requirements or our processing practices. Any such changes will be posted on this website and will be effective upon posting.